
Автор: ParaType

Лицензия: Платный шрифт(Paid font)

Поддержка языков: Кириллица, латиница

Категории: Sans Serif (Рубленные шрифты, Гротески), 3D, Объемные шрифты

О шрифте:

Гарнитура была разработана в ParaType (ParaGraph) в 1989-2004 годах Владимиром Ефимовым и Ольгой Чаевой. Выделение из семейства «Энциклопедия-4» конструкторского бюро «Полиграфмаш» (1987, Владимир Ефимов и Исай Слуцкер). Вдохновленный Helvetica (Neue Haas Grotesk) из Haas typefoundry, 1957 Эдуардом Хоффманом и Максом Мидингером. 
Основанный на гротескных проектах 19-го века, Helvetica принес новый уровень математической точности в категорию без засечек. Широко используется для многих приложений, от журналов и книг до рекламы и заголовков. Четыре основных стиля Pragmatica были разработаны в 1989 году Владимиром Ефимовым. Восемь дополнительных стилей были разработаны в 2003 году Ольгой Чаевой. Сгущенные стили были разработаны в 1993-2004 годах Владимиром Ефимовым, Александром Тарбеевым и Манвелом Шмавоняном при участии Дмитрия Кирсанова. Расширенные стили были разработаны в 2004 году Ольгой Чаевой и Манвелом Шмавоняном.

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Pragmatica Shadow Book
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Shadow Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extra Light
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extra Light Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Light
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Light Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Book
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Book Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Medium
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Medium Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extra Bold
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extra Bold Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Bold
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Bold Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Black
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Black Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Light
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Light Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Extra Light
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Extra Light Obliqu
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Book
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Book Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Medium
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Medium Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Bold
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Bold Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Extra Bold
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Extra Bold Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Black
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Cond Black Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Light
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Light Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Extra Light
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Extra Light Ob
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Book
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Book Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Book Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Medium Obliqu
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Bold
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Bold Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Extra Bold
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Extra Bold Obl
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Black
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Pragmatica Extended Black Oblique
Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.
Как установить шрифт в:
Windows, MacOS, Linux, Photoshop, WEB сайт
Комментарии (6)
Егор от 05.02.2020 15:03:38
нужен шрифт
Юрий от 19.08.2021 14:48:43
хороший шрифт
Nataly от 14.10.2022 21:10:25
Good font !
Надежда Кострова от 30.11.2022 12:29:16
Super fonts
Pentalogue от 26.12.2022 18:44:59
Это лучший шрифт, который я когда-либо видео своими глазами... Создателю этого шрифта большое спасибо, за этот замечательный шрифт, по которому приятно читать!
lad от 11.10.2023 09:22:26
Good font !
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