Abril Fatface
Автор: TypeTogether
Лицензия: Бесплатно(Free)
Поддержка языков: Латиница
Категории: Serif (Шрифты с засечками), Заглавные, жирные шрифты (Display, Bold fonts), Google Fonts шрифты
Abril Fatface is part of a bigger type family system, Abril, which includes 18 styles for all Display and Text uses. The titling weights are a contemporary revamp of classic Didone styles, display both neutrality and strong presence on the page to attract reader attention with measured tension by its curves, good color and high contrast.
Abril Fatface in particular is inspired by the heavy titling fonts used in advertising posters in 19th century Britain and France. The thin serifs and clean curves lend the typeface a refined touch that give any headline an elegant appearance. The Extended Latin character set supports over 50 languages, including those from Central and Northern Europe.
- English
- Українська
- Français
- Deutsch
- Español
- čeština
- Danish
- Русский
- Greek
- Hindi
- polski
- Slovak
- Swedish
- AaBbCc
- abc
- АаБбВв
- абв
- Numbers
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